Monday, May 30, 2011

Why I Love Being in a Singles Ward

Click here for the Washington Post article on 3 singles wards in D.C. yesterday.

My spiel:
It's okay. There are the usual inaccuracies (some of them listed and refuted at the end of the post), but what really irks me is that it makes singles wards sound like a freakish phenomenon. So, here is my defense of singles wards. 

1) Yes it is true that Church leaders hope that many of us will be able to find our eternal spouse in the singles wards. Is there anything wrong with that? No. In fact, isn't that great?! Your friendship and potential dating pool is widened ten times and it's a safe environment to meet people with the same religious beliefs and values. 

2) Singles wards better cater to the needs and wants of single members of the Church. It's commonly acknowledged that the Church is very family-oriented (which is probably why this concept of singles ward is so intriguing to the reporter). Here is an example of how singles wards can better cater a lesson based on marital status.
Married Ward: How to be a better parents
Singles Ward: How to prepare for parenthood
In singles wards, our leaders can focus exclusively on the problems we face and minister to us better. 

3) It's a testament to me of the Priesthood and divinity of the Church. Imagine, the only married people leading the ward are the members of the Bishopric. Everything else is ran by these young single adults- the sermons, the music, Sunday School, Relief Society and Priesthood, activities... EVERYTHING! As such, everyone is given a responsibility and contributes in some way. It really is a marvel if you think about it, that so many young single adults will actually band together and responsibly run an entire congregation, and all for free! 

Now, do I think the singles wards are the perfect solution? No. Every singles ward has their challenges and "Jack Mormons." And I would not want to be "stuck" in a singles ward forever. But I have come to love my experience being single in the church because of the various singles wards I've been in, especially the one I am in now.  

A note on marriage: In a world that has de-emphasized the importance of marriage, I think the Church is just marvelous in stressing the divinity, importance and benefits of marriage. The singles ward is just one safe way to get to meet your significant other, and you know what, it has worked for loads of couples. 

FYI, I attended a different singles ward than those mentioned in the article while in D.C.

Examples of inaccuracies and clarifications:
"The concentration of so many single men and women produces sexual tension that their faith forbids them to act upon. " ("Sexual tension?" A singles ward has about 150-200 people who congregate every week, and I am puzzled as to how having so many people in a room produces "sexual tension." In fact, dating couples tend to avoid such large gatherings precisely because they lack any privacy to *erhem* "court." If the case be true that large "concentrations of... many single men and women produces sexual tension" then all schools should be limited to only fifty students and gender divided- no need to worry about students acting upon "forbidden sexual tension!")

"While Mormons believe it’s possible to be sealed in one’s afterlife, unmarried people are barred from key leadership positions in the church and often worship in separate singles congregations." (I agree that single men are barred from key leadership positions in the church because, honestly, its kinda hard to find single faithful men who, uh, qualify. Not saying there aren't any... just saying it's extremely rare. Single faithful women on the other hand, are more "abundant" and are frequently found in key leadership positions.)

"While other faiths also run programs for singles and try to encourage young people to marry, few do so by separating the unmarried from the married or by promising rewards in the afterlife." ("Promising rewards in the afterlife"? It sounds as if the writer is comparing us to those deranged terrorists who kill because of a belief of harems in the afterlife. In truth, what we believe is that faithful members who do not get an opportunity to marry in this life will be compensated by God in the next. And yes we believe in an afterlife. God is fair- He wants to give everyone a chance to marry and experience happiness as a spouse./ parent, whether in this life or the next.)

The counter-arguments are my own opinions and in no way represents to the views of the Church.  


  1. Interesting article. Those three statements stuck out to me too, and I think you addressed them perfectly.

  2. I love reading your blog. you always talk about the most interesting things and you say them in the best ways. And you definitely make me laugh.

  3. hey keesh! i love your blog skin! so nice!!
    by the way, someone suggested that we should have a single ward in singapore but SADLY there was not even 15 priesthood brethen in the YSA to make it possible (seeing that 99% of the YSA go to BYU and never come back!)
