Monday, August 15, 2011

Confession Time

Growing up, I never read Anne of Green Gables.

Anne of Green Gables [Book]
*Gas* Yes I know- a travesty. It's partly because it was never mandatory reading in school (probably because Anne's imaginative genius is way beyond the comprehension of *erhem* MOE). Well, I should have been locked up and forced to read it.

Because finally, I read finish the book last week, and it is probably one of the best books I've ever read. I laughed and cried and fell in love with Anne. Makes me love redheads even more! And it was a breezy read.

The book image is blurry, but this is the copy of Anne of Green Gables that I have. I bought it on my flight back to Provo from DC while laying over at the Chicago airport. Yes, I know, that was ages ago... forgive me- I'm still in the thick of research for my paper.

Anyway, if you have not read this, PLEASE GO READ IT. I can lend you my copy! It's simply delightful!


  1. I started reading it as a girl and only got halfway through it, which surprised me because it seemed my type of book. Maybe I'll give it a second chance.

  2. Oh my goodness! Best book ever. I'm glad you finally read it. Now you must watch the movies. It's a two part movie and it just as wonderful as the book - maybe even better. It's by Sullivan Entertainment. You have to see them!
