Sunday, October 11, 2009

Don't Ask... Just Learn

TA: Do you have your notes?
Student: Nope, I do have the PowerPoint slides printed out though, and the text book.
TA: You need your notes though, because most of the test is going to come from the notes which you take down during class
Student: Umm...
TA: Do you go to class?

Student: No.
TA: What?! Where do you go then?
Student: (muttering something that I couldn't hear)
TA (looks at him): WHAT?! Don't you think class is more important?

Lesson 1: GO TO CLASS

TA: Okay, let's go through the Law of Demand

For non-AH lor Econ learners, law of demand = price higher, consumer demand lower; price lower, consumer demand higher. Logical right? That's why SHOPPING SALES work most times.

TA: Law of demand states that blah blah blah. Okay, let's say we are buying a pair of sunglasses, and this pair of sunglasses costs $1000. Would you buy it?
Student: Er, yes.
TA (and Me are stunned): WHAT?! You would buy a pair of $1000 sunglasses?
Student: Yeah... if it is a good pair.

Lesson 2: *pianz* nothing to say. sad to say, the cliche is true- a few rich kids really do have an attitude problem.

TA: Let's look at this problem. A school principal believes that if you teach students the school rules, they will automatically behave themselves. Which one of the following illustrates this example? A. Classical Republicanism; B. Autocracy; C. Liberalism; d. (not important, cannot remember)
Student: What is "autocracy"? (Boy, you really need to go for class. Even I know that's not the answer)
After a short discussion in which she gave the definition for each one, "classical republicanism" being about having been taught the law and governing ourselves..."
Student: Is it... C? Liberalism?

*Ouch* painful painful
Lesson 3: LOAD UP ON PATIENCE if you ever want to be a TA (or teacher)

Last night, our apartment had another apartment group date, and we had fun making caramel apples, except that we forgot to read the instructions and... when we went to eat our caramel apples, they were AS HARD AS A ROCK!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! It was super funny lah! The instructions said to add in 1 tablespoon of water to the melting caramel candy (probably to break the bonds or something), and... we didn't.
So basically all we had done was simply smear on melted caramel CANDY that would harden afterwards and become
this layer of caramel candy, non-modified, that was so hard it could be CHISELLED.

It sure makes a great future "date" story I must say.
Lesson 4: READ THE INSTRUCTIONS before making anything.
Lesson 5: Pick a good date- I invited my home teacher and he was THE NICEST guy I have met so far. And he's so cool- he went to Indonesia to build houses after the tsunami and visited Singapore and Malaysia as well. It felt so good to be able to have a guy actually understand where I was coming from.

Hmm, guess I'm getting an education more than I paid for :)

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