Sunday, October 25, 2009

Even I couldn't believe it




That's how long my US History test took me on Friday to complete. my prof told us to give ourselves 3 hours- I thought that was ridiculous when i first heard it. But, no, this is ridiculous. Even JC exam papers were NOT this long.

You don't believe it. I can't believe it.
But it's true!
I don't even know how I did it. I could scarcely believe it myself when I read the clock afterwards.
2 essays- that's all! I have my theories as to why it took so long:
1) The time period and subjects- one essay required me to discuss the race issue in US History from 1945 to 1968. Hmmm... starting from the Civil Rights Movement under all 4 presidents to Martin Luther King Jr to Paul Robeson to Malcolm X to Little Rock 9 to the Greensboro sit-ins to the Cold War to the media to... Cram all that info. into an hour long essay? Uh-uh *shake head*

2) The other question asked me to pick the 2 MOST SIGNIFICANT a. Supreme Court decisions, b. TV shows, c. people and d. events from 1945-1968. HELLO? HOW TO PICK AND CHOOSE??? I mean, ok, I can pick a. and b. quite easily (one of the TV shows obviously had to be I LOVE LUCY because my prof. loves that show and showed it in class) but c. and d.? WAH SAY! Had to think hard! There were SO MANY significant people and events during that time period. Choosing the people and events took FOREVER! I kept changing people and switching events.

3) And not just pick and list it out and forget it- I also had to explain my choices and argue why I picked this over other choices. *fainz* By the time I got to part c. I was ready to throw up. My handwriting on the test got bigger and messier, and my brain was just on auto-mode. I was throwing every thought that came into my mind, and trying to frame it all into a convincing argument.

4) I just take a long time to process things and write them down. My outlines took forever to write down because I wrote down every single detail, afraid that I might forget them later. And then my arguments had to be reated on the spot and that was hard too. Writing the question on the race issue was massively harder to argue about because it wasn't a straight-forward argumentative essay. And in general I just take longer than average to complete ANY test for ANY subject because I want to be as careful as possible.

I better get an A. If I don't, I think I just might CRY. Really.

My room-mates asked me- "How did you even have 6 hours worth of stuff stored in your brain to write about?!" Well, when you're really scared of this class and study really hard and pray A LOT for divine help, you can. But dang! It has been a blessing hasn't it?!

I think my final for this test is timed. So just 2 words- NEVER AGAIN. But seriously, don't be so stupid like me.

By the way, in case you are wondering, my choices were
a. Brown vs. Board of Education & NY Times vs. Sulliven
b. I Love Lucy & Howdy Doody
c. Elvis Presley & Martin Luther King, Jr
d. The publication of Kennan's "X Article" & The Red Scare

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