Saturday, September 24, 2011

Dear Francesca,

I feel so honored to have a blog post specially dedicated to me! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the blog title, but yes, it was for me. HOORAY! And it was so nice to be able to hear about YOUR life- not Justin's or Caden's, though it probably revolved 95% of the time around them (:p)- but YOU.

Thanks for your update, and based on it, you've been WAY busy. Who would have thought Nursery would be so much hard work?! It reminded me of a story told in general conference about a faithful senior sister who was ashamed that she never received any leadership callings, and was a mere Nursery/ Primary teacher. Reading your post really hit home the fact that EVERYONE makes a contribution in this church, not just those in leadership callings. Even a Nursery teacher is important, because if you don't function (or can't teach at the last minute), you cause inconvenience in someone else's life. And please know that YOUR calling is so important! Imagine if you weren't there and a teacher didn't show up either... uh oh...

Anyway, I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that I'm always here, and on top of that, I love reading your blog! Take all the breaks you need, but I'll keep following. And yes, if I am ever in Arizona near where you guys are, I will visit- I have yet to see the cute little "no-more-chunky-monkey"


Thought you might be interested in contributing to this project : I think they could really use your writing talent and strong faith and conviction.

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