Just completed reading this 400+ pages book. It was recommended to me by my scholar when I was her intern. The book is author Martha Sonntag Bradley's analysis of the Church's fight against the Equal Rights Amedment, the ultimate symbol of its fight against the Second Wave Feminist Movement. There is no denial that Bradley has done her research and as such, her work is very impressive.
However, this books will not sit well with conservative Latter-day Saints. I'm a moderate (okay, moderate leaning liberal) and I already don't feel comfortable with some of her claims. She makes no bones about her biasness, and outrightly criticizes the male leadership of the Church, including the prophets and apostles. Which is of course, a big no-no in our church.
I won't go into more details, because not everyone is as passionate about this topic as I am, especially in LDS culture where this is still a sensitive issue. If you want to discuss more about this with me, drop me a message and I will be glad to get back to you.
The only thing I want to share with everyone is, it really all boils down to faith doesn't it? Because how you view those events that transpired during the entire fight for/ against the ERA will depend upon whether or not you believe that the Prophets and Apostles were called of God. Your faith will shape your perspective. I'm not saying the members do not need to study issues out (the way some of the women conducted themselves during the Utah IWY conference was really shocking and embarrassing), but I am struck by how I am always abundantly blessed when I consciously choose to follow the prophet.
I totally agree with you. I had a similar experience reading things--by LDS women, no less--and feeling uncomfortable. Later, I read the General Conference talk "Faith--the Choice Is Yours" and it strengthened my testimony. I wrote about it on my other blog:http://mormonlight.blogspot.com/2011/03/choose-faith.html