Valerie's wedding:
More pictures up on Facebook from both mine and Jerm's camera. Just a few ones I loved:
That's us doing our job! Although Bro Leonard (the father of the bride) said we were having too much fun posing for pictures- ha ha ha! Well, what do you expect with me, Clarissa, Jerms and Edlina being such "cam-whores"?
I think it's a bit of an (get this) "EPIC FAILURE" of my hair... I learnt this new teenage terminology from my sister and Kandace: "Epic Failure". It means... well, just that- to fail epic-ly. Anyway, I say that because Wong Feng came over to curl my hair and my hair just REFUSED to curl. Isn't that the strangest thing?! Everyone has a problem (especially with humidity) trying to straighten their hair, while I have a problem trying to curl my hair! Wong Feng would curl it and then 2 minutes later (I'm not exaggerating!) it would straighten right back out. My hair was sprayed with tons of hairspray. I guess it's a blessing though so I'm not complaining!
Me and Ashley... awww... I'm so glad to see her.
I'm so sorry that I didn't take one with the bride, but oh well, you can find it on Facebook.
Jerms & Clarissa: I have to hand it to both of you... 7AM!!! By 5.30am I was so groggy I fell asleep. Put us 3 "cam whores" and very good khakis together, and you can imagine how it went- we talked about everyone and everything under the sun. It was very fun, especially since I haven't gone for a sleepover since...Young Women's!
St. Nick's Classmate Reunion

And to sweetly end off the weekend...
General Conference
What another great Conference viewing! We are very blessed to be able to listen to the General Authorities speak to us. And the music- everytime I listen to the Mormon Taberbacle Choir, I just listen in awe.
Really, it was such a great weekend. Soooooooooo tiring but sooooooooo much fun!!!
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