Yes I know, AGAIN.
Blogging is like a non-addictive drug- I can live without it, but somehow, I miss my "fix" and always go back to it time and time again. So here's to trying again... and hoping it lasts!
But then, I shouldn't have to worry because I have SO MUCH to blog about! Where do I even begin?!
How about... I'VE MOVED TO OHIO!!! O-H-I-O. I seem to have an affinity with states that have 4 letters (Utah & Ohio)
Anyway... yes, Ohio. WHY?! One word- school.
Yup, more school. In fact, not just "more school" but AT LEAST 5 MORE YEARS OF SCHOOL. You don't need to say anything- I know. Even the thought of 5+ more years of school makes my skin crawl and my brain shutdown.
Unfortunately, this is the path I have to take if I want to teach history at a university level. Hence, the skin crawling and brain shutting-down.
So far, though, I am enjoying myself and enjoying Columbus, Ohio. (Columbus is the capital of the state of Ohio, and where my school is.) Columbus is actually a pretty big city and rather metropolitan, which is comforting to me who am a 100% city gal.
INTERUPTION: JOKE ABOUT COLUMBUS: During one of my church's activities, my group was asked this question, "What would you tell Columbus to change if you could travel back in time to 14xx?" And I thought, "Columbus... was it even built by 14xx? Hmm..." And then I found out the question was talking about CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, the person (who discovered America, you know...), not COLUMBUS the city...
Anyway... I am officially a first year graduate student at The Ohio State University (don't forget the "THE"!), or OSU. Why OSU?
I was accepted there. Only there. Easy-peasy decision to make! Plus everything just fell neatly into place (I was awarded a fellowship; I found housing in Columbus when I was halfway across the globe in Singapore; etc), so I am taking it a sign that this is where God wants me to be. And so far, I feel really good and liking it!
Who would have thought that I end up in O-H-I-O?!